Educational Gateway and Minimum Training Standards
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First and foremost, a very important warning
Simply registering with us does not qualify an animal or an individual as a Service Dog Team or provide any special rights, legal or otherwise. The purpose of registering is to agree to an additional and specific set of training and behavior standards.
If you are simply looking for a way for your pet, who has not begun formal Service Dog training and will not undergo the necessary training to become a Service Dog, so that he or she can visit areas where the public is normally allowed to go, enter restaurants, fly in-cabin on an airplane, stay in a hotel, apartment or condominium, intentionally abuse any law or this registry, or otherwise test the boundaries of what is legal or ethical, do not sign this agreement and exit now. There are legal options for traveling and living with a pet which is not a trained Service Dog which you should consider, but exploring these options is not the purpose of this service and you will be violating our Terms of Access and Use, as well as our Terms and Conditions if you proceed.You may use this site for educational purposes, but to create an account and proceed with registration is a violation of our Terms and Conditions and Terms of Access and Use.
Note that not all states grant rights under the ADA to those Service Animals which are undergoing training. Owners are solely and personally responsible for being aware of the laws applicable to them and their Service Animals, whether they are in training or have completed the training process, and for compliance with those laws. Owners should seek legal assistance, at their own expense, where they believe it is required to understand their obligations.
We hope to help reduce the number of people abusing the ADA by requiring our Registrants to understand that intentionally misrepresenting an animal as Service Animal for any reason is not only unethical, it is also in violation of federal and local laws.
Please Initial if you have read and accept this warning.